Did you know this fact?
When Mr. Ghani was selected as the second most thoughtful brain in the world by Prospect for 2013, many people like me were thrilled to hear this news. Honestly, I was one of those people who was very happy to hear this news because the name of an Afghan was finally included in the ranks of world thinkers.
However, after four years of Mr. Ashraf Ghani’s failed record, it was difficult for me to accept that this choice was fair and far from unannounced motives. I told myself that if there was a bowl under the half bowl, if a suspicious hand came out of the sleeve of this selection.
I tried to find out the truth about the founder of this monthly. I went to Google Search and scrutinized this side and that side until I finally got to the point where my stomach disappeared and I found out that there was a Jewish character behind this story.
Prospect was launched in October 1995 by a Jew named David Goodheart. David is from a German Jewish dynasty. Years ago, his fathers emigrated from Germany to the United States and founded a large financial institution, the Lehman Brothers. Mr. Ghani has been named the second most thoughtful brain in the world by this institute.