
The contract for the extraction of lead and lead mines of Ghor was signed

The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum of the caretaker government says that it has signed an agreement with two private companies for the extraction of lead and lead mines in Ghor Province worth 90 million dollars.
The ministry said on Thursday, 10th of Hut, by publishing a newsletter that the first block of Sarb and Jest Ghor has an area of ​​more than 175 square kilometers, in which it will invest 10 million dollars in the first step and more than 36 million and 207 thousand dollars in the next step. became.
According to the newsletter, half of the third block of Lead and Search has an area of ​​more than 104 square kilometers, in which more than six million dollars will be invested in the exploration phase and then an additional 41 million dollars will be invested in it.
According to the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, the caretaker government of both lead and lead mining contract companies are domestic companies.


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