
The increase in ISIS attacks in Afghanistan calls into question the Taliban's claims of stability

Analysts of the American Institute of Peace believe that the increase in ISIS attacks in Khorasan in Afghanistan calls into question the Taliban's claims of providing stability and curbing security challenges.

Andrew Watkins, an analyst at the institute, said: "The more ISIS Khorasan can carry out international attacks, the more countries may question the effectiveness of the Taliban in curbing the security challenges arising from Afghanistan."

Watkins also acknowledged that the Taliban have been able to reduce ISIS's ability to operate in Afghanistan, but that the group has "adapted" to the Taliban's actions, turning to smaller-scale but more sensitive attacks.

Esfandiar Mir, another analyst of this institute, also said that ISIS's attack on Moscow could create turmoil in the ranks of the Taliban and be seen as a rival to the jihadist legitimacy of this group.

Mir also believes that this attack has challenged the assumptions about the Taliban's ability to contain ISIS.


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