
the leader of the resistance front; The threat of terrorism to the world from Afghanistan is increasing

Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, has warned that the threat of terrorism in Afghanistan is increasing day by day after the withdrawal of American troops. According to him, the possibility of extremist attacks on American and European soil has become very probable.

In an interview with the British Daily Mail newspaper, Massoud said that the same fierce competition between terrorist groups that was seen in the September 11 attacks is still going on.

He emphasized that the people of Afghanistan feel "despair and abandonment" and are left alone in the face of the brutal Taliban regime that purposefully violates their rights.

According to Massoud, the people of Afghanistan now see the West as a "hypocrite" because the foreign forces, who for years talked about the need for democracy in this country, finally handed the people over to the Taliban.

He said that the resistance front is fighting almost alone and the western forces have turned their backs on Afghanistan.


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